This update includes further enhancements in the Urbanise FM platform to assist in streamlining your operations.
Supplier Visible documents on Work Orders
An option is now available to control the supplier visibility of documents uploaded to Jobs, Work Orders and Support Requests when the documents are uploaded by an operator agent.
This change includes renaming the Customer visible description on the uploaded document from 'private' to 'hidden/visible'.
Approval limit exceeded on PO Amounts
A new system capability is available to enforce the upload of evidence when an operator agent exceeds the configured approval limit on a job's value/amount, also known as Purchase Order (PO) amount.
Existing functionality:
The Job value (PO Amount) on the Job Details page cannot be updated if the amount exceeds the operator agent's configured approval limit for the location (if there is one) or their role category limit / user limit.
When the new system capability is enabled:
A prompt displays to advise the operator agent that the amount entered exceeds their approval limit
An option is available to Cancel if the operator does not want to proceed
An option is available to provide evidence of approval to exceed the limit if the operator wants to proceed
Submitting the evidence will update the Job Amount, and upload the evidence with the customer visible and supplier visible flags set to false
Job Comments will be updated with the Job Amount (existing functionality) and in addition, a comment will be added indicating that the agent exceeded their approval limit, with the name/s of the approver/s notified of the evidence
When the evidence is submitted, an Approval limit exceeded notification email will be sent (with Job Reference Number and evidence attached) to location role based approvers above the specified approval limit
If no matching approvers are identified for the location, email notifications will be sent to any approver/s with an approval limit exceeding the Job Amount and matching the location's segment and region
To enable this option for your site, please contact Urbanise Support or your Account Manager to activate the system capability.
Supplier Email Notification templates
A new email notification template is now available to notify an assigned supplier agent when a job is reassigned to another agent within the same supplier.